Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Liar, liar, pants on fire

From FDP:

I wanted to update you, a week after you sent thousands of notes to Governor Crist asking him to put his job above his personal ambition. While Crist didn't respond, he is clearly running scared and decided to do whatever he can to win.

After avoiding the President when he came to Florida, Crist attempted to re-write history last week. Crist even tried claiming that he didn't endorse the stimulus when he joined President Obama on stage last year. When appearing on CNN he said:

"I didn't endorse it. I -- you know, I didn't even have a vote on the darned thing."

This statement earned a rare "Pants on Fire" rating from the St. Petersburg Times' Pulitzer Prize winning Politifact.com. It also earned Governor Crist ridicule from the national and local press.

But he hasn't stopped trying to make excuses and change history. Just this weekend, Crist decided to blame his free fall in the polls not on his attempts to win over a shrinking Republican primary electorate - but he argued that the "economy is turning people against me."
It is his lack of attention to his own job as Governor that's turning Floridians against him. Everyday he seems even more interested in trying to beat back the Club for Growth and competing with conservative Marco Rubio to win over conservative voters in the Republican primary than doing his job as Governor.

While, he may even win his coveted primary, the people of Florida are losing out because Crist isn't doing the job he was elected to do. That's why we need your help to make sure that Governor Crist stops breaking the promise he made to work hard every day for Floridians and is held accountable when he tries to re-writes history.

Next November, Floridians will turn away from the divisive Republican rhetoric from Rubio and Crist and elect Kendrick Meek as our next Senator.

Thank you for standing up and holding Governor Crist accountable and with your help we will win this Senate seat.

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