Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sarah Palin Wants You to Sit This One Out

At just before 2 am on Monday morning, the Senate finally overcame months upon months of GOP roadblocks on healthcare reform, and we will pass a bill in the next couple of days.

You and I have traveled some rocky roads together the years when we were buried in the minority -- you know that vote would've been impossible two years ago and unthinkable four years ago. Now, the GOP is so desperate to stop our progress, before that vote Republican Senator Tom Coburn literally called on supporters to pray for some Democratic Senator not to be able to make it to the Capitol for the vote.

And already, Newt Gingrich proclaimed, "When we get a majority, we're repealing the whole thing."

Sarah Palin is out raising money for Republican Senate candidates, and Glenn Beck is still twisting the facts to try to whip people up.

We can't let them do this. We need to not only keep the gains we've made, but expand them.
Can you contribute to three great progressives to make that happen?

Kendrick Meek in Florida, Paul Hodes in New Hampshire, and Lee Fisher in Ohio all stood with us in 2004, and they are fighting for us now. They all supported a strong public option in the health care fight, and all stand up for real clean energy reform.

And they're all running in seats currently held by Republicans. Just imagine the change that will bring to the Senate, replacing three Republicans with three great progressives.

They all can win, but it won't be easy. Sarah Palin is already helping Lee Fisher's opponent, former Bush aide Rob Portman. And she'll surely be working hard against Kendrick and Paul, as well. These are tough battlegrounds, but they are all in states that voted for Barack Obama, so with your help, we can win them.

So please contribute $25, $50, or $100 right now and keep fighting for progressive values.

We're changing things in Washington, and we need to keep it up. Thanks for all you've done to get us this far.


John Kerry


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